Trinity Reformed Church of Plainfield NJ Trinity Reformed Church of Plainfield NJ
Trinity Reformed Church of Plainfield NJ

Quote of the Day

My perspective will create my perception. Neale Donald Walsch - Author

Verse of the Day

7/8/2024 Isaiah 6:8 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Announcements for the week of June 9th 2024

News You Can Use Announcements Keep up to date on Trinity activities by checking our website: ______________ Finance Committee meets virtually monthly. Please see Deacon Floresca Burton for meeting times and date. Call the church office for details. ______________ The last day for Bible Study will be Wednesday June 19th. Then we will have our Summer break. _______________ Worship Committee Meeting: Thursdays 7:30 on Zoom. Contact Elder Gordon Wich for details. ______________ Our office will be open Mondays and Tuesday 4:00pm – 6:00pm, and Thurdays, 4:00pm-6:00pm. You may email Tamarah the office assistant at or call the office at 908.756.2125 ______________ Building manager is on site. Please call 908-963-1444 or visit the church to speak with our building manager, Gordon Wich. His hours are 10:00-12noon, Mondays and Thursdays, before and after worship on Sundays. _____________ Please have announcements, Prayer requests, and anything that needs to go into the bulletin in by Wednesday at 5pm. Thank you. ______________ If you are interested in getting the Covid vaccine here is the website to register. ______________ Board of Deacons meeting after worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month. ______________ The Board of Elders is beginning a new practice. We will be visiting church members and bringing communion to them. _____________ Consistory meets on the second Sunday of the month _____________ Buildings and Grounds meets on the first Sunday of the month _____________ Our choir/ensemble will rehearse every 1st and 4th Sunday of the month. If you sing so low that no one hears you, now is the time to lift your voice for the Lord. If you have a song in your heart, we have a place for you in the TCC Voices of Praise Choir/Ensemble. Please plan to spend 45 minutes or so to warm up your vocal cords, rehearse a few songs, and prepare for our debut in worship. All are welcome. _____________ Next month, on June 23rd, TCC is blessed to invite you to our Fathers’ Day/Juneteenth Celebration. Please come to our Fathers’ Day/Juneteenth worship service where we honor the men in our lives, men who have served to show us and the world what it means to be a father, a grandfather, mentor, and coach to others. We will also recognize the true freedom experienced by our African brothers and sisters who endured the suffering of chattel slavery, and rose to freedom strengthen by the Lord. These courageous people, our brothers and sisters, continue to see the hope found in Jesus Christ to lift everyone from bondage into true liberation, a freedom from sin. Our celebration and day of remembrance will continue with a BBQ under the tent on the front lawn. Come, let us celebrate together. _____________ Trinity Collegiate Church has a 5th anniversary coming up. Yes! June is actually our anniversary month. In June 2019, Trinity Collegiate Church was formed and recognized by the Classis of New Brunswick, Reformed Church in America to serve the harvest of God and share the Good News. Trinity Collegiate Church was formed by combining two Reformed Church in America congregations: Trinity Reformed Church, and Agape House Reformed Church. The history of these two congregations date back more than 150 years. We pay tribute to the past as we embrace the future. This year will be the first time we will host a special worship service on July 14th to commemorate this blessed occasion. Stay tuned for additional information. _____________ We would like to see more folks on the ZOOM team to make sure we have enough staff to properly execute the worship services. If you are willing to participate, please contact your Pastor, or the church at 908-756 2125.The job is not difficult, and we will provide all the training you will need. _____________ Rental/lease Committee meets after worship on the 5th Sunday of the months that have five Sundays _____________ Brothers and sisters assembled here, in person and virtually. We know that the Spirit brought you here for a reason. It is this same Spirit that has called us to share with you a special invitation to become a member of the Trinity Collegiate Church family. Your journey through life is ordained by God. The challenges and celebrations you experience are done to draw you closer to God. We seek to journey alongside you, now and in the future, as you uncover all that Christ has for you. Christ has called the church, this church, to witness to the world (to you) what salvation and reconciliation mean. We live this witness, this testimony as we open our doors and our hearts to you. If you are seeking a church home, you found it right here. Be sure to speak with either of our two pastors who will greet you at the door. Our pastor(s) will pray with you immediately following the worship service.


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Trinity Reformed Church Trinity Reformed Church
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Trinity Reformed Church Trinity Reformed Church
July 2024
Trinity Reformed Church of North Plainfield NJ